3. DMDC SUPPORT CENTER 1-800-447-8227
5. MY HEALTHeVET HEALTH DESK 1-877-327-0022 Call 2-1-1 (800) 500-4931
6. Veteran Support for families and active duty Active Heroes (502) 277-9280
7. Veteran crisis, and affairs for family, and friends as well as, yourself.
Americans Overseas Domestic Crisis Center (866) US-WOMEN
DoD Hotline (800) 424-9098 Provide s confidential, reliable means to report violations of law, rule or regulation; fraud, waste, and abuse; mismanagement; trafficking in persons; serious security incidents; or other criminal or administrative misconduct that involve DoD personnel and operations, without fear of reprisal.
DOD Safe Helpline (877) 995-5247
Sexual Assault Support for the DOD Community GI Rights Hotline (877) 447-4487 Provides accurate, helpful counseling and information on military discharges, AWOL and UA, and GI Rights
Health Resource (866) 966-1020 For Psychological Health Information and Resource
Homeless Veterans (877) 424-3838 Veterans that are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, as well as their family, friends, and supporters
Lifeline for Vets (888) 777-4443 Crisis or Critical need for help
LinkVet (888) 546-5838 Information on veterans’ benefits, healthcare, education, and reintegration. Crisis Connection counselors for 24-hour, seven days a week coverage (including holidays) for immediate crisis intervention and psychological counseling.
Military Crisis Line (800) 273-8255 For Crisis Intervention for Service Members, Veterans and Families
Military Help Line (877) 247-4645
Assistance with immigration-related information Military Hotline (888) 457-4838
Military OneSource (800) 342-9647 Can talk to a chaplain anytime or Advise line
[MST] Military Sexual Trauma Resources for Women (855) 829-6636 (MST) is sexual assault or repeated, threatening sexual harassment that occurred while the veteran was in the military. MST is gender neutral. There are significant numbers of men and women seen in the VA that have experienced MST. We provide information and links for all veterans dealing with MST here.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Hope Line (800) 622-2255
National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-7233
NJ Vet 2 Vet (866) 838-7654 Live support, peer support from veterans who can relate, and case management for Veterans, and Active Military
Oregon Military Assistance Helpline (800) 511-6944
Psychological Counseling (877) 576-5343
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) (800) 656-4673
Real Warriors Live Chat (866) 966-1020
Red Cross Emergency Communications Specialist (877) 272-7337 The American Red Cross facilitates emergency financial assistance on behalf of Military Aid Societies. These Aid Societies determine the financial assistance package that will be offered – a grant or a loan. The Red Cross is the mechanism to expedite access to these financial resources 24/7.
Sexual Violence DoD Safe Helpline (877) 995-5247 Information on reporting options and finding additional support after an incident of sexual violence. You do not have to identify yourself or report what happened.
Trans Lifeline (877) 565-8860 Hotline for Veterans with PTSD
VA Combat Veteran (877) 927-8387 Call to speak confidentially with a combat veteran
Vets4Warriors (855) 835-8255 24/7 peer support network for veterans, and military communities
Veteran Crisis Line (800) 273-8255
Veterans Affairs Benefits (800) 827-1000 Will help you with affairs upon death or suicide, and your benefits
Veteran Crisis Line (888) 457-4838 The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.
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